Monday, February 18, 2008

Bon Voyage Friend!!!!!!

I don't know how to begin, but I will begin anyway. Today I met a real life Andy Dufresne. Well he is the protagonist of the movie "The Shawshank Redemption". He was wrongly accused of killing his wife and her lover and sentenced to two life imprisonments back to back. He served nineteen out of his fifty year sentence and then tunneled through the walls of the prison to his freedom. He used a rock hammer to dig a hole in the wall. A geologist will tell you what it takes is pressure and time. I feel sometimes how remarkable it is for us human beings that we decide when to cry out with a full heart "freedom". Freedom though a very remarkable word but has its interpretation fraught with ambiguities.

Well coming back to the subject of real Andy, our Andy or rather my Andy today said no to something which I feel he should have done long ago. Well then he wouldn't have been Andy and surprised us all other inmates with his act. He will be gone soon and we will be talking about him, he did this, he did that, even he scared the other fellow etc etc. Our Andy is a small guy, probably one of the last ones whom anyone would be afraid off.

Now you must be asking what exactly happened. To be frank a mouse belled the cat. But this is not important but what is important is to understand how it happened and how I see it. Well our Andy is making a new beginning, some or most will say its a five years of your prime time wasted, but I see it differently, I see it as his declaration to say "I won't breathe this damp air anymore. I want to breathe fresh air." I don't want to pass a judgment as to whether the decision is good or bad but its definitely a decision worth noting. Even though we say life is small but the impact of a decision made in our early life can have good or bad effects later. If I have to see it in today's context it is a bad decision but on the long run it may be so it is one of the best he ever took.

It is one thing to sail in the ocean with a pack or the known seas but to go where no one has gone or to challenge whom no one has challenged takes courage which no words can describe. To begin with my Andy came to seek the truth and scientific truth it was. Science as always is full of surprises and it comes only when you think freely and with an open heart, than you once in a million time see the new light, a light which no one had ever seen before and ecstasy of seeing the unknown is beyond my comprehension. But it cannot be felt when the air you breathe is black at the core. I live in such an environment, I have never felt the ecstasy of seeing one such light but breathing the black air within I have read countless stories of people seeing the light. I have also read of millions who went to seek the light but were drowned in the ocean of time. It is true that only one in a million who try will see the light that you seek but how do you know you are not the one unless you jump in the race. My Andy jumped in the race. I wish him all the luck in his endeavor to seek the new light but he has to maintain his course and speed. I salute him for his determination to seek the light. I truly wish he breathes clean and free air which is nothing but a distant dream for me. Bon voyage Andy!!!


Peeyush..... said...

I m astonished after I came to know the real story and the real guy ...!!
I dont know whether to call him crazy (?) but I am impressed by the courage he has shown.... !! they say .."one who has not taken risk in his life has not lived " ...I wish him all the best for his future endeavors..!!

Unknown said...

I would like to know the real story...

freakywindow said...

well the real story is funny but there was a shipwreck....